Monday, 2 January 2012

Republican Nomination - Michele Bachmann

Any Americans out there? Let's assess who you should support for the Rebublican nomination, if anyone.

Michele Bachmann is up first. She isn't going to be President. If you support the Republicans then you should hope she doesn't get the nomination and if you're a Democrat then you need to start canvassing support for her in the primaries because she would lose in the actual election. Why? The gaffes. She's made many and she'll make more. For some reason the media love gaffes and so they can matter more than substance. It's just as well though, because her substance is "restore our economy and create millions of new jobs, repeal Obamacare and its unconstitutional mandates, achieve deep spending cuts to reduce America's debt, strengthen the family and defend marriage, and rebuild respect for America as the shining city upon a hill." "Achieve deep spending cuts" does not tally with "create millions of jobs." This is a woman who is about spending cuts and protectionism in order to achieve economic growth. What creates growth? Government spending and trade! AD=G+C+I+(X-M) A fall in spending (G) and trade (X-M) means a fall in AD which means a reduction in economic output, not a restoration.

She is also pro-life and anti-gay marriage. A woman who wants a "limited government" which does very little except control what a woman does with her uterus and who is allowed to marry whom. When did reproduction and love become the concerns of the state anyway? The state must do everything Michele doesn't want it to do (economic regulation, economic stimulus, healthcare, social security) and nothing that she does want it to do (barriers to trade, shoving it's nose into private relationships).

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