Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Republican Nomination - Santorum, Paul, and Perry. The dangerous group.

If you are an American, please don't vote for any of these. They really would all do you great harm. Here's why:

Ron Paul is unfortunately a hypocrite, so I have no time for him. His economic policy is interesting and well thought out, and therefore worth listening to. Sadly, after listening to it, I think that it is wrong. Ron Paul is a libertarian, and wants to get rid of almost all federal taxes, and almost all federal expenditure. He wants there to be no redistribution of income. Redistribution of income is a goal every government should have. For one thing, it promotes equality - every child should get a good and preferably equal start in life. Children should not be defined by their parents' pay-packets. As a wealthy man, Ron Paul disagrees. For another, it is actually proven to be better for the economy in the long term because it promotes a meritocracy where the best people for the jobs get the jobs, not just the ones that could afford to go to college. His libertarianism does not extend to civil liberties. Like Bachmann, almost the only thing he would give the state control of is a woman's uterus. According to Paul's website, as an obstetrician he never once found abortion necessary to save a woman's life. That may be, but that does not mean that it is never necessary and statements like that are thus what make this man truly dangerous. He does nominally support gay marriage, in that he doesn't think government should define marriage - although he's quite happy for individual states to define it. He has however said that gay people should make sure not to impose themselves on other people and not to be disruptive. Clearly he has trouble reconciling his libertarian principles with his septuagenarian homophobia. All these three are homophobic, so this may crop up quite a bit in this post.

Ron Paul once said of Rick Perry in relation to the latter's threat of violence towards the chairman of the Federal Reserve "he makes me look like a moderate." It is so very true. Rick Perry is a reactionary politician. He looks at what the far right wingers that elect him are saying, and just goes with it. This means he is anti-gay (he actually supported homosexuality being illegal, and his recent youtibe videos show his position has not altered), he doesn't believe in proportional taxation, or social security, or climate change. He wants a federal ban on abortion. Rick Perry is a dark mark on the realm of politics and you should oust him from the race as soon as you can.

Rick Santorum is, annoyingly, a frontrunner at the moment. He is a bit gun crazy. Not only does he want everyone in the US to be allowed loads and loads of guns, he also wants the US to be the world's policeman. For many Americans, these sound great, but I would caution that guns can sometimes facilitate death and even war. In fact, they're very good at it. I don't think any one country should be allowed to go around the world deciding what is right and what isn't. And looking at his other political views (which are surprisingly few, he's pretty much all about the bombing and guns) if I was going to trust one country, it wouldn't be one led by him.

These three are pretty much basket-cases I'm afraid. They all have silly views on topics such as abortion and gay people, and declare libertarian principles whilst at the same time stopping people from making choices about their own bodies and their own human associations. They all also have unworkable foreign policies, Ron Paul is too isolationist, so is Santorum economically (although he is a fan of invasion), and Perry is far too reactionary to be put in control of a nuclear-armed country. They are all frightening, and all doing far too well for my comfort. They are so far to the right that they have lost all sense of perspective on many issues.

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